Journal series 11, contents and abstracts

Title: Shepton Mallet Caving Club Expedition Report, Thailand, February 2002
Author(s): Ellis, M., King, S., Waters, E., Barrett, D, Fitch, T.
Journal Series 11, Number 1, Spring 2002, page(s) 1-29
Abstract: This is the report of the club's 2002 expedition to Thailand.  In Khon San District, Chaiyaphum Province, several leads from the 2000 expedition were followed up including the Ban Tham Ngoem Resurgence Cave. In Umphang District, Tak Province, work continued in Tham Takobi and Tham Mutalu.  Tham Loe Pu and Tham Tan Sa Na were explored and surveyed.
Title: Developments in Expedition Cave Surveying
Author(s): Collett, P., Ellis, M., Waters, E.
Journal Series 11, Number 2, Autumn 2002, page(s) 34-61
Abstract: Includes introduction, survey philosophy, use of global positioning systems, geodesy and map datums, mapping software, post expedition activities, case studies with examples from Iceland and Thailand, references and further reading.
Title: The Karst of the Wardour Vale
Author(s): Clark, H., Waters, E.
Journal Series 11, Number 2, Autumn 2002, page(s) 62-74
Abstract: Details three caves (longest 12 metres) 2 mines and 23 swallets and risings in this area of Jurassic Oolitic limestone in West Wiltshire.
Title: The SMCC Expeditions to Umphang & Mae Sot, Tak Province, Thailand
Author(s): Ellis, M.
Journal Series 11, Number 3, Spring 2003, page(s) 75-138
Abstract: Between 2000 and 2003 the club had three expeditions to Tak province in Thailand.  This report fully describes these trips including details of all the caves that were explored and surveyed including Tham Takobi, Tham Loe Pu, Tham Mae Usu, Tham Mutalu, Tham Mae Usa and the Tham Tan Sa Na system.
Title: Under the Smokey Land
Author(s): Waters, E.
Journal Series 11, Number 4, Autumn 2003, page(s) 76-188
Abstract: Report of the SMCC expedition to the Reykjanes Peninsula, South West Iceland, June 2003.  Over 170 caves investigated with over 21 km of passage, Floki the longest at 1096 metres.  Includes introduction, expedition planning and logistics, equipment and methods, geography, geology, details of caves, table of caves surveyed, expedition budget, acknowledgements.
Title: Caving In Slovakia & Hungary
Author(s): Ellis, M., Batten, K.
Journal Series 11, Number 5, Spring 2004, page(s) 191-199
Abstract: Club trip in July/August 2002 found it in general difficult to get trips in the wild caves.  Gives practical advice including useful addresses and telephone numbers.  Details 16 caves in the Low Tatras and 3 trips in Aggteleki National Park.
Title: Laki Fires, Cave Name Update
Author(s): Waters, E.
Journal Series 11, Number 5, Spring 2004, page(s) 200-201
Abstract: Schedule of names used in two Journal articles (Spring and Autumn 2001 Journals) and the official names now given to the caves by the Icelandic Speleological Society.
Title: Rushy Ground Swallet - A Survey
Author(s): Ellis, M.
Journal Series 11, Number 5, Spring 2004, page(s) 202-204
Abstract: History, hydrology, references and details of the survey to BCRA grade 5, 59m long and 15m deep.
Title: Caves & Karst in Qatar
Author(s): Ellis, M.
Journal Series 11, Number 5, Spring 2004, page(s) 205-214
Abstract: Detailed account of first speleological investigation in this country with much practical advice.  Longest cave Dahl al  Musfer (Light Cave) 78m.  Map shows location of 9 recorded caves.
Title: A Survey of Dolebury Levvy
Author(s): Ellis, M.
Journal Series 11, Number 5, Spring 2004, page(s) 215-218
Abstract: History, geology, bibliography and details of survey of this mined adit from 1830 with a length of 168m, vertical range 9m.
Title: Gear Review: Fuji Finepix S-602 Zoom Digital Camera
Author(s): Waters, E.
Journal Series 11, Number 5, Spring 2004, page(s) 219-223
Abstract: Considers specification, operation, care and protection underground, image quality and storage and cost and finds favourably towards the camera for cave photography.
Title: Book Review: Beneath the Cloud Forests: A History of Cave Exploration in Papua New Guinea
Author(s): Waters, E.
Journal Series 11, Number 5, Spring 2004, page(s) 224
Abstract: Review of this book by Howard M Beck, published Speleo Projects, 2003.
Title: Les Grands Causses
Author(s): King, S., Martin, R, Owen, D
Journal Series 11, Number 6, Autumn 2004, page(s) 227-245
Abstract: Report of the SMCC Summer 2003 trip to France.  Practical advice on getting there, geographical situation, maps, guidebooks, further reading, other activities.  Glossary of French caving terms.  Details 6 of the most popular cave trips in the area: Aven du Rabine, Aven de Banicous, Aven de la Barelle, Aven du Valat Negre, La Grotte Exsurgence du Brias, Aven de la Portalarie, and three show caves.
Title: Sandford Levvy: A Survey and Some Observations
Author(s): Waters, E.
Journal Series 11, Number 6, Autumn 2004, page(s) 246-256
Abstract: Detailed description including the seldom visited upper levels.  Survey to BCRA grade 3 revealed the levvy was 150m shorter than stated.  Total length 588m, vertical range 43m.  History, wild life, and possible future projects including proximity to the now blocked Pearl Mine.
Title: A Tale of Four Islands, Two Caves Called Carvao and Gruta Das Torres, Azores
Author(s): Mills, M.T.
Journal Series 11, Number 6, Autumn 2004, page(s) 257-271
Abstract: Personal account of visits to four islands, Sao Miguel, Terceira, Pico and Faial.  Details visits to Gruta Carvao and Gruta das Torres (on Pico).  Other seasonal sites mentioned and then an island by island overview as to possible caves and a selected bibliography
Title: The Sea Caves of Skye
Author(s): Fitch, T.
Journal Series 11, Number 7, Spring 2005, page(s) 274-293
Abstract: A very personal and extended account of 5 sea caves: The Cave of Gold, The Piper's Cave. Spar Cave, Prince Charles's Cave and Meal Greepa.
Title: Some Caves in Thailand Part 1
Author(s): Ellis, M.
Journal Series 11, Number 7, Spring 2005, page(s) 294-321
Abstract: An account of caves visited in December 2003 and March 2005;  Uttaradit Province (9 caves); Phrae Province (1 cave); Lampang Province (5 caves); Nan Province (23 caves); Chiang Rai Province (2 caves); Chiang Mai Province (11 caves) plus practical advice, bibliography, maps, Thai glossary, etc.
Title: Advances in Caving Technology: The New Shepton Rope washer
Author(s): Ball, T.
Journal Series 11, Number 7, Spring 2005, page(s) 322-325
Abstract: Personal account including design brief, practical implementation, how does it work?, effectiveness, potential improvements and cost.
Title: Return to Reykjanes
Author(s): Clark, H., Waters, E.
Journal Series 11, Number 8, Autumn 2005, page(s) 328-338
Abstract: Following a report from Iceland in May 2005 of the discovery of a large new lava tube called Buri in the Leitahraun, a small hastily assembled party flew to Iceland about five weeks later to visit and survey it to BCRA grade 5 and a length of 983m  and vertical range if 48m.  Also visited Arnahellir: 160m long, thought to be downflow continuation of Buri.  Also surveyed Tryggvahellir, total length 381m, vertical range 12m.
Title: A Birthday to Remember
Author(s): Crofts, S.
Journal Series 11, Number 8, Autumn 2005, page(s) 339-341
Abstract: First hand chance involvement at Whitsun 2005 in a protracted 27 hour rescue from OFD, of female Lizzie [das Neves] with fractured vertebrae in her lower back after a fall.
Title: Some Caves in Thailand Part 2
Author(s): Ellis, M.
Journal Series 11, Number 8, Autumn 2005, page(s) 342-357
Abstract: An account of caves visited in December 2003, January and April 2004, and July 2005: in Kanchanaburi Province (2 caves); Chiang Rai Province (2 caves); Saraburi Province (3 caves); Uthai Thani Province (7 caves); Nakhon Sawan Province (4 caves) and Phitsanulok Province (10 caves), bibliography, maps, Thai glossary, etc.
Title: Hell's Ladder Cave, Castle Cary
Author(s): Walford, P., Waters, E.
Journal Series 11, Number 8, Autumn 2005, page(s) 358-359
Abstract: First account of this curiosity, length 15m, in a small oolite quarry.
Title: Book Review: Caves of the Canadian Rockies and Columbia Mountains
Author(s): Mills, M.T.
Journal Series 11, Number 8, Autumn 2005, page(s) 360
Abstract: Review of this book by Jon Rollins, published Rocky Mountain Books, 2004.
Title: Book Review: Mendip Cave Bibliography
Author(s): Mills, M.T.
Journal Series 11, Number 8, Autumn 2005, page(s) 361
Abstract: Review of this second edition compiled by Dave Irwin, published Mendip Cave Registry, September 2005.
Title: Chalk Karst in Avebury: Hypothesis and Reality
Author(s): Lillington, A.
Journal Series 11, Number 9, Spring 2006, page(s) 364-370
Abstract: The historical and geological background to the Avebury area is briefly discussed.  Examines the potential for phreatic chalk karstic development in the area and summarises an unconventional theory which links the potential for undiscovered caves to the location of prehistoric monuments together with divining, geomancy and ancient Chinese "dragon paths" or "lung meis".  The theory is cross-referenced to known locations (November 2005) of chalk karst in the UK, which is then used to develop a methodology for the location and exploration of any likely caves in areas which are not known to exhibit underground devevlopment.
Title: 'Palmer's Chamber' - A Geophysical Reinvestigation
Author(s): Butcher, Anthony
Journal Series 11, Number 9, Spring 2006, page(s) 371-374
Abstract: In December 2004 club members carried out a geophysical resistivity survey near Lamb Leer Cavern with the aim of investigating the presence of 'Palmer's Chamber', a resistivity anomaly found by geoelectrical surveys carried out in 1938/9 and 1957 by Prof. Leo Palmer.  This was followed up in July 2005 with a small scale microgravity survey.  The presence of Palmer's Chamber was not confirmed.
Title: SMCC Odadahraun Expedition 2005
Author(s): Waters, E.
Journal Series 11, Number 9, Spring 2006, page(s) 375-436
Abstract: A full and detailed report on the SMCC 2005 expedition to Odadahraun and Reykjanes, Iceland. In Odadahraun many caves were recorded with the longest ones being Hellingur (516m), Fjarholahellir (452m), Lofthellir (394m) and Holgoma (330m).  In the Reykjanes area the longest caves surveyed were Arnarker (516m), Spenastofuhellir (247m) and Hnappur (213m). The longest caves in Iceland are listed.
Title: Iceland 2006 - "A Reconnoitre of Svartadyngja"
Author(s): Lillington, A.
Journal Series 11, Number 10, Autumn 2006, page(s) 439-447
Abstract: This paper discusses the findings of a one week pilot expedition to the Svartadyngja area of the Odadahraun region of Iceland in July 2006.  The intention of the expedition was to provide some groundwork ready for a full expedition to the area in Summer 2007 and builds upon the excellent work undertaken by other members of the SMCC and Icelandic Speleological Society (ISS).   Several new caves were located during the course of the expedition and two caves were explored, one of which was beautifully decorated.  Three other caves were discovered which await descent by a future SMCC/ISS expedition team to the area.
Title: Caving on the Holiday Isle of Lanzarote
Author(s): Clark, H., Waters, E.
Journal Series 11, Number 10, Autumn 2006, page(s) 448-464
Abstract: A four person team visited Lanzarote in March/April 2006. As well as detailed descriptions of the caves visited (Cueva los Verdes, Cueva los Lagos, Cueva los Naturalistas and many other smaller caves) this report gives a summary of all the known caves on the island.
Title: Book Review: Delving Deeper: Half a century of cave discovery in New Zealand
Author(s): Mills, M.T.
Journal Series 11, Number 10, Autumn 2006, page(s) 465-466
Abstract: A review of this history of New Zealand caving compiled by Moira Lipyeat and published by New Zealand Speleological Society, Waitomo and Hazard Press Ltd. in 2003.
Title: An Index to Shepton Mallet Caving Club Journals Series 10 and 11 (Including Occasional Publications Nos. 9 & 10)
Author(s): Waters, E.
Journal Series 11, Number 10, Autumn 2006, page(s) 467-511
Abstract: Series 10 and Series 11 of the journal are indexed by author, cave and subject. There is also a list of the publication dates and editors.